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Savi Essential Oils

Exclusive Collection of Custom Oil Blends

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Skin Brightening Oil Blend

Glow of the skin is very important

In today’s time when we don’t have enough time for face care routine or may be the products (chemicals) are too harsh for our skin. At Savi Essential oils we have come up with he Skin Brightening oil blend that replenishes your glow naturally because that is what our tender skin demands for.

How to use / apply:

  • Apply 3-4 drops of oil on full face and give a soft rub for a minute.
  • Use it twice a day, or for the night care routine.
  • Avoid sunlight for at least 3 hours after applying the blend.
  • Inhale (smell) the aroma of oil with deep breathing (cupping) 1– 2 times a day.