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Savi Essential Oils

Exclusive Collection of Custom Oil Blends

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Energy Booster Oil Blend

A customized essential oil blend that keeps you vibrant full day

This blend is especially designed to increase alertness and WILL to work on something. It is a combination of essential oils handpicked to boost your enthusiasm and energy, also, increasing creative focus.

How to use / apply:

  • Apply 2-3 drops of oil on full forehead and give a soft massage for a minute or two from center of forehead towards the temples.
  • Inhale (smell) the aroma of oil with deep breathing (cupping) 3 – 4 times a day.
  • You can also put 2-3 drops on wrist, back of the ears, back of the neck to inhale it frequently.
  • Use around 8 drops in a diffuser of water capacity 500ml.