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Savi Essential Oils

Exclusive Collection of Custom Oil Blends

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Happy Oil Blend

A customized essential oil blend made with sole aim to make you feel happy

Happiness is not just a word, it’s something what we all desire to have in our lives. Nothing in life seems to be good unless we are content. Use this Savi Essential Oils blend to increase the contentment and satisfaction in life.

How to use / apply:

  • Apply 2-3 drops of oil blend on the temples i.e. both the sides of forehead and rub 1-2 drops of oil behind ears.
  • Inhale (smell) the aroma of oil with deep breathing (cupping) whenever you apply it.
  • In major Stress conditions, take 2-3 drops on a tissue or handkerchief and keep inhaling the aroma.
  • Use around 8 drops in a diffuser of water capacity 500 ml.